
i'm Collins Netia Odinga,
Frontend Software Dev at Moringa School.


Burger Project

This was the first project that i had ever worked on as a developer. I tried to reproduce a Burger png image.
I used HTML for the structure and CSS was used for the styling.

link to project provided below

visit here!

Insurance Project

Another one of my favorite projects,tried recreating or reproducing an insurance png from scratch which was very long and exciting to work on.
used HTML for the structure and CSS was used for the styling.

link to project provided below

visit here!

javascript Project

A pirate themed javascript project. one of my best ever projects that i ever worked on from scratch, there was no reproducing it from a source but from self.
I used HTML for the structure and CSS was used for the styling.

link to project provided below

visit here!

About Me.

I'm former student of the University of Kenyatta and currently a student of Moringa School undertaking a programming course.

After staying with my uncle for a while in 2020, i was fortunate enough to meet one of his partners that was a software engineer.
The work that the engineer was doing was extreemly interesting and fascinating,
From then on i decided to pursue programming and fortunately here i am.

-skills and interests are as follows below.

  1. Html,Css & javascript.
  2. Phone reviews and tech seminars.